Establish network connectivity
Message-based protocols:
Which network / transport protocols does your network use? (HL7 via TCP/IP, / HTTP, MLLP, FTP, etc.)
What are your security guidelines? Do you support a site-to-site VPN or TLS with TCP/IP or support other security measures?
If TLS, please provide a TLS certificate that can be added to our trust store.
We allowlist IP addresses / ports for security. What is your IP address?
What format are messages sent in? Please provide samples if available.
Does the network support retry logic in case of network failure or packet loss? If so, what is the retry policy?
Is there a connectivity policy regarding connection longevity/reset cadence?
Are there required system specific message receipt acknowledgements?
Who is the PoC in case of data failure or outage?
File-based protocols: (We support file-based batch system, allowing customers to upload HL7/RTF/PDF/XML messages and encounters via S3/SFTP)
What format is data available in? Please provide samples if available.
Restful API based protocols:
Please provide any relevant documentation
Is there a staging or test environment available?
Data Transmission
Message-based system:
Is it configurable to send only the final message for each encounter with the full chart upon provider signature? This approach is preferred to reduce the total number of messages.
Are separate messages/message event types used for billing/demographic vs. patient encounter notes vs. lab/imaging orders and results?
Are incoming provider messages supported (for missing documentation notifications)? Please provide specifications.
What is the expected volume of messages, either in terms of average messages per minute, or messages per day? Are messages batched?
How are malformed messages handled?
File based system:
What is your cadence of file upload? Real-time? Batched daily?
Required Data Fields (Emergency Medicine)
Patient Name
Patient ID / MRN
Account Number / CSN
DOB / Age
Arrival route
Arrival time
Facility ID
Place of service
Hospice status
Chief Complaint
History of Present Illness
PFSH (including medical, medication, allergy, immunization, family, social and surgical history)
Review of Systems
PE (including vitals, blood pressure screens)
Medical Decision Making
Diagnosis (including any pre-selected ICD-10 codes)
Nursing / tech / other provider notes
Labs & Studies (lab orders & results)
Imaging (imaging orders & results - including EKGs if separate)
Discharge prescriptions
Dispensed medications
Admit / transfer / discharge orders
Stroke alerts
Note author(s) & provider type(s)
Attestation statements
Scribe (if applicable)
Primary Insurance (type, plan and subscriber)
Secondary Insurance (type, plan and subscriber)
Discharge instructions
Discharge type / route
Discharge date/ time
Note status (Primary, amended / addendum)
Chart in Error
Encounter Date / Time